Friday, April 18, 2014

Addie's Awesome Life in Belize - by Addie

What I do? Who I play with? Where I eat and what is going on with school?
Well I'm going to tell you. I love it here. It is all so fun! I do not have a lot of friends but some. And I can not wait to tell you about where I go, all about school, and what we do.

So, when I got here I was worried about meeting friends. Then when Reuben, the care taker down
stairs, sister and brother came.  I was excited because number 1 I was wanting a girl down stairs and 2 lets just say Ryland was starting to not be so "perfect". So her name is Hannah and she is 12 but we like playing together. Also, we like  to go swimming a lot. Plus, her brother Levi, who is my age , Ryland likes to play with.

I like going to a lot of different places and having a good time. But I'm going to tell you about all my favorite places.  So one of them is Tutti Frutti.  It is an ice cream place and it is the best ever.  It is so good and fun to go to and have around.  Also, Brewed Awakenings has the best smoothies you have ever tasted.  They are so good.  Plus, I love going to the pier.  It is a lot of fun.  They always have something going on.  So, all of it is fun but these are my favorite places!

So, about 1 week after we got here we started school.  At first we did not do a lot but now we are.  We end at about 12:30pm and start at about 8:30am.  It is a lot of fun. We do all week except on Wednesdays we only do 2 hours. I love to have my mom as a teacher because she makes it more fun. After school we usually play with Hannah and Levi or go to the pier!!

- Addie


  1. I love reading about your life there. It makes me feel like I know what is going on. What an amazing experience you all are having! Is it the same Tutti Frutti that we have here?

  2. Addie, it sounds like you are having a wonderful time! I love hearing your stories.

  3. Addie you are an amazing young lady with a talent for writing. I am so happy you have this chance to spread your wings and your spirit. Sure do miss seeing you guys but am a little jealous too! Keep me posted so I can live vicariously through your posts! love, Mrs. Styles
