Friday, January 16, 2015

Love Anyways

It just dawned on me, as I was penning some thanks this morning, what a gift I have been given by parents who love me anyways.  I know that they might have planned my life differently, or chosen a more prevalent career path, but I have no question they love me anyways.  To them I am still talented…though hard convincing anyone else.  To them I could still be any thing I want.  They might have chosen for me to live near to them and have more children, or to stay put in one place and share weekly meals, but I didn’t…and they love me anyways.  To them quality time with me (and my babies) is still the only gift they need.  Yes, I am blessed…as much as that term has never set well with me, in this case it fits.  I have been shown mercy and grace undeserved in their affections.    

I want to pass that gift on to my children.  Let there never be a question in their mind that I will love them anyways.  If the world turns on them and they feel the sting of rejection…let them run to me.  They have hung the world in my eyes and I see their hidden treasures.  I  hope I always look at them with wonder and let them see excitement in my eyes when they walk in to the room.  Let me be their biggest advocate and their closest friend, even if they won’t admit it for a while.  I want to be the first call when they have hard news.  I want them to know they can never shake my love, they can never stop me from believing they can change the world.  They can fail; they have the freedom to utterly fall on their faces over and over again…and I will love them anyways.  I will tell them when I think they are off and offer correction while they are under my roof, but whatever they choose I will love them anyways.  

grace through the awkward
beauty in the mud
soft centers between rocks and hard places

forts to tell secrets
blood to cover doors
forgiveness covering a life lived reckless

rough edges to love
deep ruts to expose
holding the key to mend the brokenness

to live a life not lost but loved 
to give a love not lost in life
and through this see and know and choose
to still love anyways


  1. This is Beautiful!

  2. I want to know is this poem totally original written by you? I think it is and I love it and you.......!
